Most Americans between the ages of 22 and 65 spend 40% of their waking hours at work, and more Americans are finding it necessary to stay at their jobs longer than in years past, often resulting in greater exposure to injury. One in every 23 workers sustains a work-related injury each year, and half of these cases require time off of work. The total direct and indirect costs associated with on-the-job injuries and illnesses in the US are staggering, and healthcare costs have become the #1 concern for businesses, large and small.

But for every $1 invested in health and safety programs, the US Department of Labor estimates $4 – $6 is saved in work-related injury expenses.

Body Mechanix, Inc. provides a variety of these health and safety programs, tests and services to help address some of the pressing health-related problems for employers. Our team, led by certified ergonomics assessment specialists and certified essential functions evaluators, will expertly assess and address key issues in workplace ergonomics, job tasks and performance, wellness programs and other areas to greatly improve injury prevention practices company wide. While we specialize in utility companies, employers across a variety of industries and sizes that utilize BMI programs often experience reduced Worker’s Compensation claims, reduced lost work time, safer work environment, increased worker productivity and comfort, decreased turnover, and several other long-term benefits.

Our injury prevention services can be tailored to fit any company to address its key challenges. Take a look at what we offer:


Specialized testing for selecting, hiring and maintaining worker fitness for job-specific demands, including pre- and post-offer testing, return-to-work testing, and other evaluations. READ MORE >


Our certified ergonomics assessment specialists offer two levels of ergonomic evaluations: training programs for both management and employees to demonstrate the value of proper ergonomics, and consulting services for workspace design, product choices and workplace assessments. READ MORE>